Job Guarantee Terms
Job Guarantee - Terms and Conditions
Hey there. Good for you taking the time to read the fine print. Obviously, you are a detailed focussed person which is a good trait for a UX designer.
We are not here to trick you or make false claims and we genuinely want to help people enter the industry but we can only do so much. The rest is up to you and that is why we want to be clear about our and your responsibilities.
PeakXD guarantees that students who complete the UX Accelerator program will get a job in the field within 6 months after the completion of the program (the "Job Search Period") and completion of 3 client projects. These can be 3 projects we give you or your own project otherwise. If you don't get a job, PeakXD will offer 5 additional coaching calls free of charge (valued at $1512) in order to provide additional experience to improve the student's employment prospects.
The job guarantee claim is subject to the following conditions:
- You must have successfully completed 100% of the UX Accelerator Program with all activities submitted during the active period (standard is 13 weeks - up to 26 weeks).
- You must have completed an individual post-project review within 30 days after the conclusion of the UX Accelerator Program and communicated that you are looking for work in the next 6 months - at this point, the 'Job Search Period' will commence.
- The Job Search Period is 180 days which commences immediately after the post-project review.
- You must have fully paid all course fees.
- You must be at least 21 years of age.
- You must be fluent in English and the local language in the country in which you are applying for jobs and have a valid and current work permit or working visa in the country you are applying for jobs.
- You must have completed at least a Year 12 or equivalent level of education.
- You must be located within cities or towns with a population above 1 million or willing to relocate for work.
- You must be willing to accept both remote and non-remote positions.
Your responsibilities:
- You must update or create your profile on LinkedIn and your resume (CV) with your new skills and incorporate feedback and advice that we provide.
- You must demonstrate that you are actively using your new skills by creating a suitable, industry-ready UX portfolio showcasing a minimum of two (2) completed portfolio projects for prospective employers.
- You must have applied for at least 3 jobs per week during the Job Search Period, and provide supporting evidence of your efforts in the form of written applications tailored to the specific job postings, screenshots, and/or email exchanges with prospective employers.
- You must attend 3 industry-related UX networking events (live or remotely).
- Follow reasonable instructions and advice from us to enhance job prospects.
- Attend all interviews and meetings, including those arranged by us.
- Take a proactive approach to request support from our team as required during the Job Search Period.
- You must not have opted out of PeakXD emails.
- You must not have turned down a job offer in the field during the Job Search Period.
- You must not be or have been employed by PeakXD.
When our job guarantee applies
Assuming you have met your end of the bargain, our job guarantee will apply. To claim your job guarantee:
- You must not have been successful with attaining any casual, contract, full-time, part-time, or freelance work (exceeding 15 hours a week/60 hours a month) in the field, or a similarly related field during the Job Search Period.
- You advise us in writing by emailing [email protected] within 30 days of the end of your Job Search Period that your job search has not been successful and you wish to undertake another UX Accelerator project to gain more experience.
The Job Guarantee can be applied just one time to any user in his or her lifetime.